science ryan in lab

Cell-ing student on biology research

Learning from and working with award-winning faculty led one science major to an internship at a renowned cancer research center.
By: Regina Broscius
Ryan Jacobs graduated from Penn State 阿宾顿 with a science degree, a passion for research, and a world of confidence and prospects for the future.

Ryan credits much of his success to working with faculty and signing on for the undergraduate research program at 阿宾顿, 知道的 讴歌. He teamed up with a faculty mentor for a specific project, refining his skills and gaining new insights along the way.

"You gain a new respect for the field of study you wish to pursue through 讴歌," he said.

"讴歌 is geared toward the students and for the students at 阿宾顿. It’s something you’re not going to find at many colleges." Ryan Jacobs

While still at 阿宾顿, the science major worked at Fox Chase Cancer Center, known worldwide for its breakthrough clinical research and located just a few miles from campus. 

"One of the main reasons I was able to secure a research position at Fox Chase Cancer Center was because of faculty letters of recommendation, including one from a professor I worked with on engineering mathematics research," Ryan said.

He encourages students in all majors, but especially those in the sciences, to participate in undergraduate research.

"It provides experience and a solid addition to your resume or CV (curriculum vitae)," Ryan said. "It can help you to get a job after you graduate, a research position off campus, or reflect positively when applying for graduate school."