
Diving deep into environmental activism

公司信息交流 major Karley Feather plans to work as an environmental activist using the skills she is learning at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校.
Karley Feather traveled to Belize and was stunned to discover plastics contaminating the Caribbean Sea.

“I was overcome with anger and grief, and I started stuffing the trash in my dive suit,” she said. "That trip kickstarted my passion for sustainability."

从那时起, Feather has earned her dive master designation, and she has temporarily transferred to World Campus so she can pursue her environmental goals while still in school.

“This semester I will be living in Australia to complete my coral restoration certification with hopes that I can start working in coral farming to help restore our oceans to the way they once were,”她说。. 

Feather came to realize that her major in 公司信息交流 这与她的主张相吻合.

“When I first got into environmental activism, I was worried that corporate communication wouldn’t relate at all.”她说。. “Now with a background in communications, I am able to spread my voice effectively over a wide variety of platforms.” 

从伯利兹回来后, Feather replaced all single-use plastics in her life and created a vermicompost for food waste, which reduces the amount of methane being released into the atmosphere. She also switched to a plant-based diet strictly to reduce her carbon footprint.

“A few simple changes can make a huge difference, and then spreading the knowledge you have learned will change the world,羽毛说.

She began changing the world locally by pursuing her broader environmental objectives at 阿宾顿 and in the community with the support of Shelly Grinar-Boyd, 讲师 生物学

“Shelly and I started working together on how we could create a lasting environmental difference,羽毛说.


宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 junior Karley Feather leads the campus Green Team on a cleanup in the nearby town of Ambler.


Feather and Grinar-Boyd established a Penn State Green Team at the 阿宾顿 campus. 绿色团队由教师组成, 工作人员, and students volunteering to take specific actions to help their organization within the University operate in a more efficient, 创新健康之道. 

The 阿宾顿 Green Team kicked off its campaign on America Recycles Day last fall with an event featuring representatives from Waste Management and a local environmental advisory council. The next goal of the Green Team is to work with the firm that manages the cafeteria at 阿宾顿 to offer more compostable dishes and cutlery and plant-based dining options. 

因为她的行动主义, Feather was invited to sit on the 阿宾顿 Chancellor’s Environmental 可持续性 Task Force. 

Off campus, Feather connected with a local environmental organization.

“We did a community cigarette butt clean up and picked up over 2,279 cigarettes with 10 volunteers in only .3英里,”她说. “We also did a tree planting to help reduce the number of pollutants that enter our waterways as well as clean our air.”

Feather said she remembers the state of the environment when she was younger, 而现在变化如此之快.

“I see our forests burning and our ice caps melting. I have seen firsthand the devastation that global temperature risings have had on our oceans. I have seen the garbage in our oceans and on our streets. I have cleaned countless amounts of trash without even making a dent,”她说。. “I focus on sustainability because it is my life and future in my hands.”