
Associate Professor of 19th Century British Literature, 英语

Selected Courses Taught at Penn State:

Senior Seminar: The Literature of Imperialism, ENGL 487W
Great Traditions in 英语 Literature, ENGL 002
Literature and Empire, ENGL 182A
Honors Freshman Composition, ENGL 30
Authors and Contexts: The Victorians and Race, ENGL 400
British Literature from 1798, ENGL 222
The Victorian Novel, ENGL 453
Writing in the Humanities, ENGL 202B

Selected Invited Speaker 参与ments:

Oxford University -- Nineteenth-Century Research Seminar: “The ‘Sallow Mr Freely’: Sugar, Appetite and Unstable Forms of Whiteness in George Eliot’s ‘"Brother Jacob”(2022年3月)

Rutgers British Studies Center: “How Victorianists Might Talk about Race,” Roundtable Speaker (February 2022)

The Virtual Dickens Universe: “Toppling Statues- Teaching Victorian Literature in 2020” (July 2020)

North American 维多利亚时期的研究 Association (NAVSA): Anti-Racism in British 19th Century Studies (August 2020)

Rutgers Nineteenth-Century Studies Group: “Blackness and Affect in the Nineteenth Century” (November 2020)

奥兰多项目播客, focusing on the e卷ving material, historical and cultural conditions that make women's writing possible: Discussion of Mary Seacole (2021年冬季)

Selected Grants and Awards:

Outstanding Teaching Award, Tenure Line, 2022 

Drum Major for Justice Award, 2022 (From the Office of Diversity Equity and Inclusion)


Ghana Study Abroad Exploratory Grant, 2019

Doctoral Thesis Completion Award, 2010-2011

William and Mary Burgan Prize, awarded for “Outstanding Presentation by Graduate Student at
the Midwest 维多利亚时期的研究 Association conference,” 2010

Viola Whitney Pratt Scholarship, 2009-2010

SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship, 2005-2008

Ontario Graduate Scholarship, 2005-2006

SSHRC Master’s Scholarship, 2004-2005

Ontario Graduate Scholarship, 2004-2005

Margeson Scholarship in 英语, 2002-2003

Oxford University Press Essay Prize, 2002-2003

麦克勒兰德 & Stewart Essay Prize in Canadian Studies, 2002-2003

Click photo to read "Journey to Ghana is life-changing for two 阿宾顿 faculty"

Dr Walters’ interdisciplinary research investigates representations of race and racial mixture in the nineteenth century. She has published on race and affect, and her writing focuses on the intertwined histories of scientific and emotional conceptions of race—particularly as they are focalized through depictions of people of color in Victorian fiction.

Dr Walters also writes about colonial and literary depictions of food, as she considers what Victorians wrote about food and the dynamic process of national identity formation. Dr Walters teaches courses on nineteenth-century literature and culture, 加勒比海, and writing at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校.

"Affective Hybridities: Racial Hybridity and Victorian Nationalism 1850-1901." In-Progress book manuscript.

“自由的同情 & Unseeing the 'black-blue' body in Wilkie Collins’ Poor Miss Finch.9800字. 正在审查. 

"Whiteness in Victorian Literature." Oxford Bibliographies in Victorian Literature. (2023). 

“当我回来的时候, it was … to the love of a new generation’: Affective Genealogies of Race in Dinah Craik’s The Half-Caste.” Nineteenth-Century Literature in Transition: the 1850s, edited by Gail Marshall. 剑桥大学出版社. 7500个单词. 即将到来的

James Hunt, Robert Knox, and the 感觉s of Empirical Race Science.” 维多利亚时期的研究 卷. 64, no. 4, 2022, pp. 554-560.

沃尔特斯,阿丽莎挤. “脸色蜡黄的先生. Freely': Sugar, Diet and White Racial Anxiety in George Eliot's 'Brother Jacob'.” Victorian Literature and Culture, Vol 50, no. 3 (2022), pp. 1-30.  

We find nowadays perpetual disenchantment on the score of cookery”: Domestic French Cooking, 维多利亚旅游写作, 和英国国籍. 《澳门威尼斯人官网》卷. 47, no. 2 (2022), pp. 225-42.  

“‘The Tears I could not repress, rolling down my brown cheeks’: Mary Seacole, 感觉, 和帝国机构,” Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies, 16, no. 1 (2020). 9000个单词. 

“A ‘white boy…who is not a white boy’: Rudyard Kipling’s Kim, Whiteness, and British Identity.”  Victorian Literature and Culture, 46, no. 2 (2018): 331-346. 

“Affective Hybridities: Dinah Craik’s Olive and British Heterogeneity.”  《澳门威尼斯人官网》,20期,no. 2 (2013): 325-43.  

“The 英语 Language and Nigerian Prose Fiction,” University of Toronto April (2007) 

Ph.D. 英语, University of Toronto
M.A. 英语, University of Toronto
B.A. 英语 and French, University of Toronto. Graduated with High Distinction.