阿宾顿教育毕业生的下一步? 费城的双语教师

阿宾顿,爸爸. - Stephanie Hidalgo毕业于 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 this month and is prepared for the role she has dreamed of her entire life: Elementary school teacher.

“I’ve wanted to teach ever since I was a kid playing school with dolls and friends. 我会假装是老师. 我也做家教. It was very satisfying to see someone understand something after I finished explaining it,”她说。.




Hidalgo recently accepted a position as a 第一个-grade dual-language (English as a Second Language) teacher at McClure Elementary School in North Philadelphia. She knows McClure well since she just completed student-teaching 24 third-graders there.

“I taught two days a week in the fall and full-time in the spring through Zoom. I’m glad I learned to teach that way because I have it under my belt to plan activities appropriate for virtual learning. It’s been good for me to create activities and engaging lessons that don’t involve manipulatives,”她说。. 

“通常, you rely a lot with science lessons on experiments, 但我用的是YouTube视频. We used a virtual reality experience with the weather, looking at different countries around the world,伊达尔戈说. 

费城居民说 elementary and early childhood education major at 阿宾顿 prepared her well for her career. 

“We did a wide range of classroom observations, and going into different schools to teach lessons was really valuable. We would do this multiple times a semester before our senior year. We would teach different grades and put together 30-minute lessons and teach them to small groups,”她说。.

Hidalgo said achieving balance was a challenge at one point in her academic career.

“I had to do observations, then go to class, go to work at the mall, and do homework,”她说。.

"Your professors want to help you, especially because classes are really small. Ask them for resources and connect with your adviser."

—Stephanie Hidalgo, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, class of 2021

但她抽出时间来磨练自己的技能. 作为一名大三学生,伊达尔戈参加了 狮子读, a mentoring program designed to enhance the early reading, 数学, and science skills of children in communities surrounding Penn State's campuses. 与此同时, Penn State students have the opportunity to give back, 获得工作经验, and earn financial aid through Federal Work-Study.

“It was a really good experience helping kids with 数学 and working on group projects in kindergarten, 第一个, 第二个, 四年级. I learned that things don’t always go the way you planned so it made me more flexible,”她说。.

“I worked with students who were English-language learners and students who were behind or under grade level. I gained experience in classroom management and teaching content,” she continued.

As the 第一个 in her family to graduate from a four-year college in this country, Hidalgo navigated the admissions process herself.

“My mom is from Nicaragua and didn’t know the system in the United States, and I don‘t have older relatives who went to college. I thought you just show up and pick your classes. The only thing I knew for sure was that I wanted to teach,”她说。. 

Once she was accepted, Hidalgo found mentors at 阿宾顿 to support her, including 瑞秋·埃里克森·布朗, assistant professor of 数学 education, and 马蒂内利安, associate teaching professor of elementary and early childhood education. 

“他们教会了我很多. They were both role models for directing me on the path I wanted to go on. Dr. 布朗是我的顾问, and she helped me with meeting the requirements to enter the education program,”她说。.

Hidalgo advises other 阿宾顿 students to connect with their professors. 

“Your professors want to help you, especially because classes are really small. Ask them for resources and get to know your adviser. My adviser was really helpful with choosing classes and exploring other options,”她说。.


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