Libraries announces 'Through the Woods' Short Stories fall contest winners

Through the Woods - Step into the Unknown, fall Short Stories contest theme graphic

宾州大学公园. -得奖作品来自 宾州州立大学图书馆 Short Stories’ “Through the Woods” fall 2021 contest have been announced. 代表澳门威尼斯人官网的五个校区, the latest writing contest encouraged students, faculty and staff across the commonwealth to submit their best woodland-themed original short stories or poetry.

"Every contest is different, and I never know what to expect. The 'Through the Woods' contest took my highest expectations and surpassed them,阿什顿·齐尔哈特说, Short Edition Editorial Board managing editor and honorable mention winner of two past contests. “Thank you to all the writers who made this contest what it was. I hope to see their work next semester as well." 

Each of the four Libraries Short Stories Editorial Board winners and the People’s Choice winner will receive a $100 Visa gift card. 所有获奖作品, 包括九次荣誉奖, will be added to the Libraries’ 短篇小说分配器s, located around the 大学公园 campus and six campus libraries, 而在 Schlow中心地区图书馆 在州立大学. 

人民选择奖得主。”走进森林,” written by Brandon 在拨弄, received the most online reader votes via the 图书馆短篇小说网站 比赛期间. 在拨弄, Moorestown的, 新泽西, a Penn State 世界校园 graduate student studying higher education, said family has always been the inspiration for his writing.

“The moments spent reflecting on treasured memories with loved ones always take me to a calm, 冥想的空间, allowing me to capture the essence of my ideas with words,穆兹卡说.

The Libraries Short Stories Editorial Board winners, chosen by the all-student editorial team and listed alphabetically by title, 是:

  • 蜜环菌,radan的一首诗, 米歇尔·波凯特的笔名, a doctoral candidate studying plant pathology and international agriculture and development at the 大学公园 campus, 从格林, 纽约.
  • "悲伤的树,这是莉奥拉·麦金尼斯的诗, a graduate student studying international affairs at the 大学公园 campus, 来自科罗拉多州丹佛市.
  • 来自森林的一个小小的请求,罗丝·罗的短篇小说, a first-year student studying environmental resource management and plant sciences at Penn State 世界校园, 从诺丁汉, 宾西法尼亚.
  • 的一缕,这是萨宾·波顿斯通的一个短篇小说, a senior studying writing and digital media at Penn State Berks, 从Myerstown, 宾西法尼亚.

二等奖, chosen by the all-student editorial team and listed alphabetically by title, 是:

  • "消失,Gus Eberlein写的一个短篇故事, a second-year physics and astronomy and astrophysics student at the 大学公园 campus, 来自Camp Hill, 宾西法尼亚.
  • "的Dullahan," a poem by Hermit Thrush, a doctoral candidate studying geosciences at the 大学公园 campus.
  • "草地上的脚印,这是孟菲斯·多尔的一首诗, a senior studying veterinary and biomedical sciences at the 大学公园 campus, 来自蒙哥马利县, 宾西法尼亚.
  • "悲伤的森林,本杰明·斯台普顿的短篇小说, a senior studying mathematics and electrical engineering at the 大学公园 campus, 从Cochranville, 宾西法尼亚.
  • "路易斯安那州的幽灵森林," a short story by Laura Guertin, professor of earth sciences at Penn State Brandywine.
  • "The Good and the Evil (It’s All the Same Story),埃米莉·朗的一首诗, a first-year studying comparative literature at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, 从费城, 宾西法尼亚.
  • 万圣节Hack-job,这是阿什顿·齐尔哈特的短篇小说, a senior studying writing and digital media at Penn State Berks, 从Mohnton, 宾西法尼亚.
  • 的红,莎拉·博德纳(Sarah Bodnar)的短篇小说, a senior studying English and integrative arts at the 大学公园 campus, 从Boyertown, 宾西法尼亚.
  • "紧急求救信号,林赛·库姆斯的短篇小说, a receiving/necropsy technician at the Penn State Animal Diagnostic Lab, 位于大学公园校区.

To read all entries from the fall 2021 contest, as well as past contest submissions, 访问 the Libraries' Short Stories website. 任何有宾州州立大学邮箱地址的人 来自中央郡的人, 宾西法尼亚, can sign up for an account to submit original creative works to the site, as well as vote for and leave reader comments on other writers’ stories. Centre County writers not affiliated with Penn State will have their work considered for distribution from Schlow中心地区图书馆 短篇小说分配器, and some will have their work added to the University Libraries’ nine other short-story dispensers, 以及其他往届的优胜者.

Penn State Libraries short-story dispensers at the 大学公园 campus can be found at: 

  • 帕特诺图书馆入口.
  • 帕蒂图书馆商场入口.
  • 波洛克路格兰奇大厦入口.

In addition, Penn State Libraries short-story dispensers also are at, or near:

  • Schlow中心地区图书馆, State College, 宾西法尼亚.
  • 宾州州立大学阿宾顿学院图书馆.
  • 约翰米. 宾州州立大学贝伦德分校的利利图书馆.
  • 澳门威尼斯人官网Berks Thun图书馆.
  • 约翰D. 澳门威尼斯人官网白兰地酒学院的维罗图书馆.
  • 宾州州立哈里斯堡图书馆.
  • 李R. 澳门威尼斯人官网约克分校的Glatfelter图书馆.

For up-to-date information about dispenser access or for more information about the “Through the Woods" writing contest, 访问 事业单位.短版.com.

Questions about the Libraries Short Stories writing contests, the Libraries Short Stories online platform, or short-story dispensers’ curricular or co-curricular use, 能转给梅丽莎·米勒吗, 公共服务协调员 伯克图恩图书馆, at (电子邮件保护).