阿宾顿 Student Stories: Tracking the 极地探险家

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Amanda lockby Oslo报道

阿宾顿 student 阿曼达Lockerby peeks at Oslo through a stone cairn, known as an inuksuk.


A trio of 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 students joined a team of international researchers in Norway this summer, documenting the early exploration of the world's northernmost archipelago. A grant awarded to 阿宾顿's resident polar explorer and professor of anthropology, P.J. 卡佩罗蒂资助了这次体验.

杰奎琳陈年, 阿曼达Lockerby, and Alejandro Cruz presented their research to historians, 极地探险家, and social scientists in the capital city of Oslo. They illuminated their findings on 弗朗茨约瑟夫兰 using the lenses of history, 艺术, 电影, 和摄影.

"This was a fantastic opportunity to do some primary research for a region where very few people know the history of its geographic place names,“克鲁斯, 心理学专业, 会后说.

The 高级 delved into why explorer 伊芙琳·鲍德温 named a bay in the islands for writer 鲁道夫Kersting. He found evidence of a friendship between the men cataloged in an Oslo museum's archives but needed to read the century-old letter to confirm his theory.

"This was a fantastic opportunity to do some primary research for a region where very few people know the history of its geographic place names,“亚历杭德罗·克鲁兹, 高级

"Dr. Capelotti contacted the archivist who promptly scanned and emailed us the letter," he 说. "He told me that scanning and emailing an original document never happens."

Cruz included the scan in his presentation, solving one of the many mysteries of the icy lands. He was thrilled that the team of scholars, with whom Capelotti has worked for years, 视学生为同伴, thus making them more confident in discussing their research.


The team of international researchers in Oslo including 阿宾顿 students (center) 杰奎琳陈年, 阿曼达Lockerby, 和亚历克斯·克鲁兹. 

来源:Leah Devlin

Lockerby, 心理学专业, 说 the trip was educational beyond the traditional academic sense.

"Last I checked, you weren’t supposed to discuss politics or religion with people you hardly know. These international researchers discussed all of those topics," she 说. "They yearned for information, which made me yearn for it as well."

挪威之旅, which unofficially began when the three students met in an anthropology course several semesters ago, has led them to consider new options post-graduation. Cruz 说 he would like to tackle more polar research while Lockerby considers graduate school in Europe.

Art major Lanning sees influences from the region surfacing in her work, and she hopes to visit the islands as an 艺术ist and archeologist.

"I find the Arctic to be the most beautiful place on E艺术h: the colors, 野生动物, and even the remains and memories of the men who explored and discovered 弗朗茨约瑟夫兰,老人说, 谁还辅修人类学, 说.

"I find the Arctic to be the most beautiful place on E艺术h: the colors, 野生动物, and even the remains and memories of the men who explored and discovered 弗朗茨约瑟夫兰.杰奎琳·兰宁,大四学生

Capelotti applied for the grant that funded the project with the specific intent of taking several high-achieving students to Oslo for research and cultural immersion.

“Oslo is one of the most expensive cities in the world, so this is a unique opportunity for these students to explore a city and a country that they might never have experienced otherwise,他说.

A dozen began the process last fall, and he 说 three "survived" the stringent requirements for the conference, which related to toponymic (geographic place names) research as it applied to three American explorations of the islands between 1898 and 1905.

Capelotti is a principal investigator with the 国家科学基金会 极地项目办公室, 这给了他50美元,000 grant for the Norway conference. It was the initial step leading to a comprehensive international project on the historical place names of 弗朗茨约瑟夫兰.


阿曼达Lockerby 说 working with the scholars in Norway changed her view on research and opened new possibilities for her future.



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Regina Broscius